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Two days ago, my universe imploded. Thanks to one of my
alpha readers, I realized that my manuscript is a complete ripoff. Well, okay, that's a bit dramatic. It's not a complete ripoff. But when I saw the similarities, that's how I felt. Like a fraud and a ripoff artist. This happened completely unconsciously, by the way. I would never intentional steal someone's intellectual property. And this wasn't plagiarism like copying directly from their story. No, it just crept in. There’s this author who I really love, and I consciously am aware of deep
admiration and a little bit of style and genre mimicry. I’ve read all of her
books, most of them several times. And now I realize my favorite book of hers was so closely
incorporated into my own manuscript that it is impossible to ignore the
similarities. There are more than one plot similarity, and a similarity of language that I
probably picked up from reading so many of this author’s books.
This is the reason for alpha readers. These people (in my
case) are friends and family who volunteered to wade through my manuscript and
tell me honestly what they think. And the reader who brought up this major flaw
saved my life. Because not only do I not want to pitch a manuscript that is
similar to another, I don’t want to plagiarize on intellectual property, even
unintentionally. My characters are unique and I love them, and the story
itself, despite some of the plot point similarities, is also unique. But I have
to fix those details, and I could have walked into a very bad situation,
especially if I’d been set on self-publishing. I could have even maybe been
open for a law suit, though I don’t think my story is close enough to warrant
Photo courtesy of Icanhascheezeburger.com |
I could just say to hell with it and throw away the MS
entirely. I could start over. I’m a writer. We do that. I’m not sure if I want
to, though. This could have been the first in a potential series that I have
already started planning out. This would have been the first book. Am I really done
with this story? Can it be salvaged? I think so. But if I weren’t getting
honest feedback, I may never have realized this oversight. And that is huge.
I've read that when you're listening to your first readers, you have to be able to sort through and find the real essence of their critique. Everyone will find something they don't care for, but if more than three readers notice a flaw, it is incumbent upon the writer to fix that portion of the story if they can. Because if three people noticed it, many more probably will, and it is most likely indicative of a weak point in the story. Writers can't be all about the whims of the people, but we're storytellers, and we want the story to be good and make sense and speak to the reader in some way. Maybe even change them. It's a lofty goal but I don't want to reach for it by standing in another author's footprints and following their trail. I want to blaze my own path. So I go back to the drawing board once again, determined to eradicate derivation from my beloved manuscript. A lot of my friends chimed in and encouraged me, and that shored up my determination all the more. I'm actually looking forward to the next revision. Revision is usually my least favorite part of writing. But today, I feel good. Bring it on!
Julie Simmons-Wixom is becoming an expert at falling down and getting back up. COMMENT below on your own experiences, or email her for a more in depth discussion on the ontological necessity of man's existential dilemma.